Expressions of Interest: register here now to be alerted when 2024 entries open.  

Celebrating the best of the NZ Dairy Industry

Learn, Connect, Grow. Stand out. Be rewarded.


Congratulations to our
2025 Regional Winners Canterbury/North Otago

Andre & Natalie Meier - Richard Grabham & Nikita Baker
George Dodson - Dairy Manager of the Year,
Caleb Smith - Dairy Trainee of the Year.

ASB Alumni of the Year Award

The ASB Alumni of the Year Award recognises previous NZDIA award winners and entrants who have progressed to farm ownership or have more than 50% equity in a farm business.

The Alumni of the Year winner will receive up to $1 million of ASB Business Term Lending fixed at 1% per annum for three years. ASB's lending criteria, terms and fees apply. 

Am I eligible?

  • Farm businesses/owners who own 50% or more of a farm business are eligible to enter

Fonterra & ASB First Farm Award

An exciting new initiative for first-time farm buyers, the Fonterra & ASB First Farm Award provides financial and strategic support to help the best in the industry successfully launch into farm ownership.

The three winners will receive a stellar prize package including:

  • Up to $1 million of ASB Business Term Lending fixed at 1% per annum for three years

  • $20,000 of Farm Source account credit to invest in their first farm

  • A tailored package from Fonterra to enable their transition into farm ownership including mentoring, enhanced support and special offers

ASB’s lending criteria, terms and fees apply. Lending must be used exclusively for purchasing a first farm. NZDIA and Fonterra / Farm Source terms and conditions apply.

Am I eligible?

  • You are eligible if you are not a farm owner and have not previously owned a farm before 

  • You are eligible if you are a previous entrant of the SFOTY category OR you are a DMOTY entrant who is no longer eligible for SFOTY equity


Come and celebrate the rising stars of the industry at our regional award dinners.  

Award Categories


Are you an up-and-coming dairy farmer aged 18-30 currently employed on a dairy farm full-time? The Dairy Trainee of the Year is a great way to learn and grow.

Learn more


If you're currently employed on a dairy farm full-time and looking to boost your career, you could be eligible for the Dairy Manager of the Year.

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Are you a self-employed, passionate farmer looking to improve your business and create future opportunities?

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The Responsible Dairying award recognises leadership and innovation. Please nominate farmers or farm businesses doing great work in the space so they can be recognised for their contribution.

Learn more


The ASB Alumni of the Year Award recognises previous NZDIA award winners and entrants who have progressed to farm ownership or more than 50% equity in a farm business.

Learn more


An exciting new initiative for first-time farm buyers, the Fonterra & ASB First Farm Award aims to remove barriers to farm ownership by offering financial backing, mentorship, and industry support.

Learn more

Why enter the
NZ Dairy Industry Awards?


Accelerate your learning and development, challenge yourself, raise the bar and climb your career ladder.

Stand out 

Stand out from the herd, showcase your skills and turn your passion and drive into something that sets you apart.

Be rewarded

Improve your prospects and grow your skills. Be rewarded for your hard work with prize money, recognition and industry exposure. 

Driving best practice and improving dairying tomorrow

With a proud 34-year track record, the New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards celebrate the best in the New Zealand Dairy Industry. Driving best practice and improving dairying tomorrow, the New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards runs a programme of over 60 events directly involving over 6000 people ranging from dairy farmers to rural professionals, rural businesses, and the wider rural communities. Entrants have the chance to challenge themselves, earn a regional or national title and share in substantial regional and national prize pools.


"What does responsible farming mean to us? It’s really all-inclusive, it’s environmental sustainability, it’s looking after the land, environment and water, it’s looking after the animals and our people."

- Cameron Henderson,  Recipient of the Fonterra Responsible Dairying Award 2023

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